KronoDesk: REST Web Service


This table provides a list of all the resources exposed by this REST web service:

Product GET This resource lets you retrieve the list of products in the system
User POST , GET This resource lets you create users and retrieve a user by its id, email address or login
Ticket POST , PUT This resource lets you create tickets, add notes, update notes and update tickets
System GET This resource contains information on the overall product instance, including version and settings information
Document POST This resource lets you upload file attachments
Artifact GET This resource lets you retrieve artifact types and their associated information

Accessing Services

To access these REST web services, you need to use the following base URL:

You can specify the format of data that will be returned (XML or JSON) by passing the following HTTP Headers:

To authenticate with the web service there are three methods:

Finally if you need to call one of the GET methods from a web page in another domain you need to use the special JSONP (JSON with Padding) syntax. This tells the web service to return the data in the form of a JavaScript <script> tag so that it be can be called across web site domains safely. To request the data in JSONP format, just add the following extra querystring parameter:

                    ?callback=[name of callback function]


URI Method Description
products GET Retrieves a list of all products in the system
products/active GET Retrieves a list of all active products in the system
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URI Method Description
users POST Creates a new user (with profile) in the system and adds them to the specified roles
users/{user_id} GET Retrieves a single user in the system
users/login/{login} GET Retrieves a single user in the system bh its login
users/search/email-address/{email_address} GET Retrieves a list of users that have a specific email address
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URI Method Description
tickets POST Creates a new ticket in the system
tickets/{ticket_id} PUT Updates a ticket in the system.
tickets/{ticket_id}/notes POST Adds a new note to an existing ticket
tickets/{ticket_id}/notes PUT Updates an existing note in the system
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URI Method Description
system/file-extension/{mime_type} GET Returns the extension for a mime-type (e.g. "image/gif")
system/mime-type/{extension} GET Returns the mime type for a file extension
system/settings GET Returns the current configuration settings for the installation.
system/sitemap-entries GET Retrieves a list of publicly accessible web page urls, used in SEO sitemaps
system/version GET Retrieves the version number of the current installation.
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URI Method Description
documents POST Adds a new document or URL link into the system and associates it with the provided artifact
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URI Method Description
artifacts/{artifact_type_id}/{artifact_id}/documents GET Gets a list of attached documents to an artifact
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