KronoDesk: REST Web Service (v4.0)

Click here for a complete list of operations.

GET: tickets/{ticket_id}


Retrieves a single ticket by its ID

How to Execute

To access this REST web service, you need to use the following URL:{ticket_id}

Request Parameters

Name Description
ticket_id The id of the ticket

Request Body

Return Data

Property Description
TicketId The ticket primary key
AccessedDate The date/time that the ticket was last accessed
AssigneeId The id of the user that the ticket is assigned to
AssigneeUserName The name of the user that the ticket is assigned toRead-only
ClosedDate The date/time that the ticket was closed
ConcurrencyId The concurrency date/time (used to prevent users overwriting each other's changes)
CreationDate The date/time that the ticket was createdIf no date/time is specified, the current UTC date/time is used
Description The description of the ticket
LongDescription The description of the ticket, with all the notes concatenated into itRead-only
HasAttachments Does this ticket have any file attachments
IsDeleted Has this ticket been deleted
LastUpdateDate The date/time that the ticket was last updated
Name The short name of the ticket
OpenerId The id of the user that opened the ticketIf no value is specified on creation, the current user is used
OpenerUserName The name of the user that opened the ticketRead-only
PriorityId The id of the ticket priority
PriorityName The name of the ticket priorityRead-only
ProductId The id of the product that the ticket is associated with
ProductName The name of the product that the ticket is associated withRead-only
ResolutionId The id of the ticket resolution
ResolutionName The name of the ticket resolutionRead-only
StatusId The id of the ticket statusIf no status provided, the default status is used
StatusName The name of the ticket status Read-only
TypeName The name of the ticket type Read-only
Notes The list of notes attached to the ticket