KronoDesk: REST Web Service (v4.0)

Click here for a complete list of operations.

POST: tickets/{ticket_id}/notes


Adds a new note to an existing ticket

How to Execute

To access this REST web service, you need to use the following URL:{ticket_id}/notes

Request Parameters

Name Description
ticket_id The id of the ticket

Request Body

Property Description
NoteId The primary key of the note (null for new notes)
TicketId The id of the ticket that the note is associated with
AuthorId The id of the user that created the note Defaults to the authenticated user if none specified
CreationDate The date/time that the note was created
ModifiedById The id of the user that last modified the note Defaults to the current UTC date/time if none specified
ModifiedDate The date/time that the note was last modified
Text The note text
IsDeleted Whether the note has been deleted
IsInternalOnly Is the note visible to employees only

Return Data

Property Description
NoteId The primary key of the note (null for new notes)
TicketId The id of the ticket that the note is associated with
AuthorId The id of the user that created the note Defaults to the authenticated user if none specified
CreationDate The date/time that the note was created
ModifiedById The id of the user that last modified the note Defaults to the current UTC date/time if none specified
ModifiedDate The date/time that the note was last modified
Text The note text
IsDeleted Whether the note has been deleted
IsInternalOnly Is the note visible to employees only