KronoDesk: SoapService SOAP Web Service

This web service enables the import and export of data to/from the system. Each function is prefixed by the area of the system that it relates to. For example, the Ticket_Retrieve function relates to the Help Desk module.

The following operations are supported. For a formal definition, please review the Service Description .

Return Value Operation
Retrieves a list of most popular articles
Retrieves a list of recent articles
Retrieves a list of your user's subscribed articles
booleanConnection_Authenticate ( string?  userName, string?  password, string?  pluginName, boolean useLicense, )
Authenticates against the server. Need to call before using other methods
Disconnects the currenly authenticated / authorized user
RemoteDocumentDocument_AddFile ( RemoteDocument?  remoteDocument, base64Binary?  binaryData, )
Adds a new document (file) into the system and associates it with the provided artifact
ArrayOfRemoteDocumentDocument_GetForArtifact ( int artType, long artifactId, boolean includeHash, )
Gets a list of attached documents to an item.
RemoteDocumentDocument_RetrieveBydId ( long attachmentId, )
Retrieves a single attachment by its ID
RemoteOrganizationOrganization_RetrieveById ( long organizationId, )
Returns the details of an organization by its ID
ArrayOfRemoteProductProduct_Retrieve ( boolean includeDeleted, )
Retrieves a list of products in the system
Gets a list of email addresses blocked by the system
Gets the email separator used by KronoDesk in sending out emails
stringSystem_GetExtensionFromMimeType ( string?  mimeType, )
Returns the extension for a mime-type (e.g. "image/gif")
stringSystem_GetMimeTypeFromExtension ( string?  extension, )
Returns the mime type for a file extension
Retrieves the version number of the current installation.
Retrieves the current date-time on the server in UTC
Returns the current configuration settings for the installation.
Gets the base URL of the website that the system is running under. Used for notifications and exported artifacts
Retrieves a list of publicly accessible web page urls, used in SEO sitemaps
RemoteTicketNoteTicket_AddNote ( RemoteTicketNote?  remoteTicketNote, )
Adds a new note to an existing ticket
RemoteTicketTicket_Create ( RemoteTicket?  remoteTicket, )
Creates a new ticket in the system
RemoteTicketExTicket_Create2 ( RemoteTicketEx?  remoteTicket, )
Creates a new ticket in the system with custom properties
Ticket_Delete ( long ticketId, )
Deletes a single ticket by its ID
Ticket_DeleteNote ( long ticketId, long noteId, )
Deletes a note from a ticket
ArrayOfRemoteTicketTicket_Retrieve ( RemoteSort?  remoteSort, ArrayOfRemoteFilter?  remoteFilters, int startRow, int numberRows, )
Retrieves a list of tickets, sorted and filtered
RemoteTicketTicket_RetrieveById ( long ticketId, )
Retrieves a single ticket by its ID
RemoteTicketExTicket_RetrieveById2 ( long ticketId, )
Retrieves a single ticket by its ID with custom properties
ArrayOfRemoteTicketTicket_RetrieveByOrganization1 ( long organizationId, int startRow, int numberRows, )
Retrieves a list of tickets for a specific organization, default filter and sort
ArrayOfRemoteTicketTicket_RetrieveByOrganization2 ( long organizationId, RemoteSort?  remoteSort, ArrayOfRemoteFilter?  remoteFilters, int startRow, int numberRows, )
Retrieves a list of tickets for a specific organization, sorted and filtered
RemoteTicketNoteTicket_RetrieveNoteById ( long ticketId, long noteId, )
Retrieves a single ticket note
ArrayOfRemoteTicketNoteTicket_RetrieveNotesForTicket ( long ticketId, )
Retrieves all the notes for a specific ticket
RemoteTicketTicket_Update ( RemoteTicket?  remoteTicket, )
Updates a ticket in the system.
Ticket_Update2 ( RemoteTicketEx?  remoteTicket, )
Updates a ticket in the system, including custom properties
RemoteTicketNoteTicket_UpdateNote ( RemoteTicketNote?  remoteTicketNote, )
Updates an existing note in the system
Retrieves the list of ticket priorities
Retrieves the list of ticket resolutions
Retrieves the list of ticket statuses
Retrieves the list of ticket types
RemoteUserUser_Create ( RemoteUser?  remoteUser, string?  password, string?  passwordQuestion, string?  passwordAnswer, ArrayOfstring?  roles, )
Creates a new user (with profile) in the system and adds them to the specified roles
User_Delete ( long userId, )
Deletes the specified user
ArrayOfRemoteUserUser_Retrieve ( int startRow, int numberRows, )
Retrieves a paginated list of users in the system
RemoteUserUser_RetrieveByEmailAddress ( string?  emailAddress, )
Retrieves the user that has a specific email address
RemoteUserUser_RetrieveById ( long userId, )
Retrieves a single user in the system
RemoteUserUser_RetrieveByLogin ( string?  login, )
Retrieves a single user in the system bh its login
ArrayOfRemoteOrganizationUserUser_RetrieveByOrganization ( long organizationId, )
Retrieves a paginated list of users that belong to an organization
User_Update ( RemoteUser?  remoteUser, )
Updates a specific user in the system