SpiraPlan: REST Web Service (v4.0)

See all operations

PUT: projects/{project_id}/incidents/{incident_id}


Updates an incident already present in the system.

How to Execute

To access this REST web service, you need to use the following URL:


Request Parameters

Name Description
project_id The id of the project
incident_id The id of the incident

Request Body

Property Description
IncidentId The id of the incident
PriorityId The id of the priority of the incident
SeverityId The id of the severity of the incident
IncidentStatusId The id of the status of the incident If no value is provided, the default status for the workflow is used
IncidentTypeId The id of the type of the incident If no value is provided, the default type for the project is used
OpenerId The id of the user who detected the incident If a value is not provided, the authenticated user is used
OwnerId The id of the user to the incident is assigned-to
TestRunStepId The id of the test run step that the incident relates to
DetectedReleaseId The id of the release/iteration that the incident was detected in
ResolvedReleaseId The id of the release/iteration that the incident will be fixed in
VerifiedReleaseId The id of the release/iteration that the incident was retested in
Name The name of the incident
Description The description of the incident
CreationDate The date/time that the incident was originally created If no value is provided, the current date/time on the server is used
StartDate The date that work started on the incident
ClosedDate The date that the incident was closed
CompletionPercent The completion percentage (value = 0-100) of the incident as calculated in the system from the remaining effort vs. the original estimated effort. Read-Only
EstimatedEffort The estimated effort (in minutes) to resolve the incident
ActualEffort The actual effort (in minutes) it took to resolve the incident
RemainingEffort The effort remaining as reported by the developer
ProjectedEffort The projected actual effort of the incident when it is completed Read-Only
LastUpdateDate The date/time that the incident was last modified This field needs to match the values retrieved to ensure data-concurrency
PriorityName The display name of the priority of the incident
SeverityName The display name of the severity of the incident
IncidentStatusName The display name of the status of the incident
IncidentTypeName The display name of the type of the incident
OpenerName The display name of the user that detected the incident
OwnerName The display name of the user that the incident is assigned to
ProjectName The display name of the project the incident belongs to
DetectedReleaseVersionNumber The version number of the release/iteration that the incident was detected in
ResolvedReleaseVersionNumber The version number of the release/iteration that the incident will be resolved in
VerifiedReleaseVersionNumber The version number of the release/iteration that the incident was retested in
IncidentStatusOpenStatus Is the incident in an 'open' status or not?
FixedBuildId The id of the build that the incident was fixed in
FixedBuildName The name of the build that the incident was fixed in
ProjectId The id of the project that the artifact belongs to The current project is always used for Insert operations for security reasons
ArtifactTypeId The type of artifact that we have (read-only)
ConcurrencyDate The datetime used to track optimistic concurrency to prevent edit conflicts
CustomProperties The list of associated custom properties/fields for this artifact

Return Data

The JSON and XML examples below show the shape of one entry that will be returned. It does not show an example of how that entry will be populated.