SpiraPlan: REST Web Service (v6.0)

See all operations

POST: projects/{project_id}/test-runs/record-multiple


Records the results of executing multiple automated tests

You need to use this overload when you want to be able to execute a large batch of test runs. It's faster than TestRun_RecordAutomated1 for large numbers of test runs. *However* it does not refresh any of the other items in the project (test cases, requirements, test sets) that also have summarized forms of this data. So once you're done loading data, you *must* call the Project_RefreshProgressExecutionStatusCaches() command once.

How to Execute

To access this REST web service, you need to use the following URL (make sure to replace any parameters (eg {project_id}) with the relevant value (eg 1):


Request Parameters

Name Description
project_id The id of the current project

Request Body

Property Description

Return Data

The JSON and XML examples below show the shape of one entry that will be returned. It does not show an example of how that entry will be populated.

Property Description