SpiraPlan: REST Web Service (v6.0)
Adds a new test parameter specified by a specific test set's test case (the paramater is only added if it is not already set)
To access this REST web service, you need to use the following URL (make sure to replace any parameters (eg {project_id}) with the relevant value (eg 1):
<RemoteTestSetTestCaseParameter xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Inflectra.SpiraTest.Web.Services.v6_0.DataObjects"> <Name i:nil="true" /> <TestCaseParameterId>0</TestCaseParameterId> <TestSetTestCaseId>0</TestSetTestCaseId> <Value i:nil="true" /> </RemoteTestSetTestCaseParameter>
{"TestSetTestCaseId":0, "TestCaseParameterId":0, "Name":null, "Value":null}
The JSON and XML examples below show the shape of one entry that will be returned. It does not show an example of how that entry will be populated.
Nothing Returned