SpiraPlan: REST Web Service (v6.0)

See all operations

PUT: projects/{project_id}/test-sets/


Updates a test set in the system

How to Execute

To access this REST web service, you need to use the following URL (make sure to replace any parameters (eg {project_id}) with the relevant value (eg 1):


Request Parameters

Name Description
project_id The id of the current project

Request Body

Property Description
TestSetId The id of the test set
IndentLevel (Not used in this version of the API)
TestSetStatusId The id of the test set's status
CreatorId The id of the user who created the test set If no value is provided, the authenticated user is used
OwnerId The id of the user who the test set is assigned-to
ReleaseId The id of the release that the test set is assigned-to
AutomationHostId The id of the automation host the test set is assigned-to
TestRunTypeId The id of the type of test set (1 = Manual, 2 = Automated)
RecurrenceId The id of the recurrence pattern the test set is scheduled for
Name The name of the test set
Description The detailed description of the test set
CreationDate The date the test set was originally created
LastUpdateDate The date the test set was last modified
PlannedDate The date that the test set needs is planned to be executed on
ExecutionDate The date that the test set was last executed by a tester
TestSetFolderId The ID of the test set folder this test set belongs to (NULL = root)
IsAutoScheduled Is this test set auto-scheduled when a build associated with the release runs
IsDynamic Is this a dynamic test set
DynamicQuery The underlying query if this is a dynamic test set
TestConfigurationSetId The id of any test configuration set to be used with this test set
BuildExecuteTimeInterval The interval between a build finishing and the test being execution (if auto-scheduled)
ProjectId The id of the project that the artifact belongs to
ConcurrencyDate The datetime used to track optimistic concurrency to prevent edit conflicts
CustomProperties The list of associated custom properties/fields for this artifact
Tags The list of meta-tags that should be associated with the artifact

Return Data

The JSON and XML examples below show the shape of one entry that will be returned. It does not show an example of how that entry will be populated.