SpiraPlan: REST Web Service (v7.0)

See all operations

POST: projects/{project_id}/users


Adds users to a project with a specific role

How to Execute

To access this REST web service, you need to use the following URL (make sure to replace any parameters (eg {project_id}) with the relevant value (eg 1):


Request Parameters

Name Description
project_id The id of the current project

Request Body

Property Description
ProjectId The ID of the project
ProjectGuid The unique identifier for the project
ProjectRoleId The ID of the role the user has on the project
ProjectRoleGuid The guid of the role the user has on the project
ProjectRoleName The name of the role the user has on the project Read-only
UserId The id of the user
UserGuid The guid of the user
FirstName The first (given) name of the user
LastName The last name (surname) of the user
MiddleInitial The middle initials of the user
UserName The login used by the user
LdapDn The LDAP Distinguished Name for the user (null for non-LDAP users)
EmailAddress The email address of the user
Admin Whether the user is a system administrator
Active Whether the user is active in the system
Department The department of the user
Approved Is this user approved by the system administrator
Locked Is this user locked-out of their account
RssToken This is the RSS token for this user For security reasons, you have to access the API as a system administrator to retrieve this field
FullName The full name of the user concatenated (First + Middle + Last)
LastLockoutDate Last date this users account was locked out
LastActivityDate Last date this users account did something
LastLoginDate Last date this users account was logged in to
LastPasswordChange Last date this users account password was changed
OrganizationName Organization name of the user
OrganizationId ID of the organization this user belongs to
EmailsEnabled Whether or not a user has opted to recieve emails or not
ReportAdmin Whether the user is a report admin
PortfolioViewer Whether this user has permissions to view all portfolios
TimesheetManager Whether this user is a timesheet manager
OAuthProvider Name of the external OAuth provider being used to access this account
MutliFactorAuthentication Whether this user is using Spira's integrated MFA implementation.
CustomProperties The list of associated custom properties/fields for this user Not currently used, but there for the future
ConcurrencyGuid The field used to track optimistic concurrency to prevent edit conflicts It's a GUID, but we use the string representation to make compatibility easier
CustomProperties The list of associated custom properties/fields for this workspace

Return Data

The JSON and XML examples below show the shape of one entry that will be returned. It does not show an example of how that entry will be populated.