SpiraPlan: REST Web Service (v7.0)

See all operations

POST: system/custom-properties/{artifact_type_name}?custom_list_id={custom_list_id}


Creates a new system custom property

'Project', 'ProgramMilestone', and 'Capability' are examples how the artifact names are expected to be formatted.

How to Execute

To access this REST web service, you need to use the following URL (make sure to replace any parameters (eg {project_id}) with the relevant value (eg 1):


Request Parameters

Name Description
artifact_type_name The name of the type of artifact
custom_list_id ID of a custom list, if making a custom property of type list or type multi-list

Request Body

Property Description
CustomPropertyId The id of the custom property (leave null for newly created ones)
ArtifactTypeId The artifact type that the custom property is for
Name The display name for the custom property
CustomList The associated custom list if this is a list custom property This will be null if this is not a list custom property
CustomPropertyFieldName The internal field name of the custom property (e.g. Custom_01)
CustomPropertyTypeId The type of custom property. It can have the following values: Text = 1, Integer = 2, Decimal = 3, Boolean = 4, Date = 5, List = 6, MultiList = 7, User = 8, Password = 9, Release = 10, Date and Time = 11, Automation Host = 12
CustomPropertyTypeName The display name of the type of custom property
IsDeleted Has this custom property been deleted
PropertyNumber The position number of this custom property (1-30). Each artifact type can have 30 custom properties per project
SystemDataType The physical data type that this custom property is stored as (Int32, String, DataTime, etc.)
Options The collection of custom property options
Position Determines the position of this custom property relative to other custom properties in the UI
Description Tooltip which appears when hovering the custom property name on a details page
Guid The unique identifier for the artifact
ConcurrencyGuid GUID for representing the concurrency state of a given artifact
LastUpdateDate Last time the artifact was updated

Return Data

The JSON and XML examples below show the shape of one entry that will be returned. It does not show an example of how that entry will be populated.

Property Description
CustomPropertyId The id of the custom property (leave null for newly created ones)
ArtifactTypeId The artifact type that the custom property is for
Name The display name for the custom property
CustomList The associated custom list if this is a list custom property This will be null if this is not a list custom property
CustomPropertyFieldName The internal field name of the custom property (e.g. Custom_01)
CustomPropertyTypeId The type of custom property. It can have the following values: Text = 1, Integer = 2, Decimal = 3, Boolean = 4, Date = 5, List = 6, MultiList = 7, User = 8, Password = 9, Release = 10, Date and Time = 11, Automation Host = 12
CustomPropertyTypeName The display name of the type of custom property
IsDeleted Has this custom property been deleted
PropertyNumber The position number of this custom property (1-30). Each artifact type can have 30 custom properties per project
SystemDataType The physical data type that this custom property is stored as (Int32, String, DataTime, etc.)
Options The collection of custom property options
Position Determines the position of this custom property relative to other custom properties in the UI
Description Tooltip which appears when hovering the custom property name on a details page
Guid The unique identifier for the artifact
ConcurrencyGuid GUID for representing the concurrency state of a given artifact
LastUpdateDate Last time the artifact was updated