SpiraPlan: ImportExport SOAP Web Service (v3.0)

This web service enables the import and export of data to/from the system. Each function is prefixed by the area of the system that it relates to. For example, the Requirement_Retrieve function relates to the Requirements module.

This API is available for all installations v3.0.0 or greater. There are older APIs available for v2.2.0+ and v1.2.0+

The following operations are supported. For a formal definition, please review the Service Description .

Return Value Operation
RemoteAssociationAssociation_Create ( RemoteAssociation?  remoteAssociation, )
Adds a new association in the system
ArrayOfRemoteAssociationAssociation_RetrieveForArtifact ( int artifactTypeId, int artifactId, ArrayOfRemoteFilter?  remoteFilters, RemoteSort?  remoteSort, )
Retrieves a set of associations to the specified artifact
Association_Update ( RemoteAssociation?  remoteAssociation, )
Updates the specified Association's information
RemoteAutomationEngineAutomationEngine_Create ( RemoteAutomationEngine?  remoteEngine, )
Creates a new Automation Engine in the system.
ArrayOfRemoteAutomationEngineAutomationEngine_Retrieve ( boolean activeOnly, )
Retrieves the list of automation engines in the system
RemoteAutomationEngineAutomationEngine_RetrieveById ( int automationEngineId, )
Retrieves a single automation engine record by its ID
RemoteAutomationEngineAutomationEngine_RetrieveByToken ( string?  token, )
Retrieves a single automation engine record by its Token
RemoteAutomationHostAutomationHost_Create ( RemoteAutomationHost?  remoteAutomationHost, )
Creates a new automation host in the system
AutomationHost_Delete ( int automationHostId, )
Deletes a automation host in the system
ArrayOfRemoteAutomationHostAutomationHost_Retrieve ( ArrayOfRemoteFilter?  remoteFilters, RemoteSort?  remoteSort, int startingRow, int numberOfRows, )
Retrieves the list of automation hosts in the current project
RemoteAutomationHostAutomationHost_RetrieveById ( int automationHostId, )
Retrieves a single automation host by its id
RemoteAutomationHostAutomationHost_RetrieveByToken ( string?  token, )
Retrieves a single automation host by its token name
AutomationHost_Update ( RemoteAutomationHost?  remoteAutomationHost, )
Updates an automation host in the system
RemoteBuildBuild_Create ( RemoteBuild?  remoteBuild, )
Creates a new build in the system, including any linked source code revisions
RemoteBuildBuild_RetrieveById ( int releaseId, int buildId, )
Retrieves the a single build (and associated source code revisions) by its id
ArrayOfRemoteBuildBuild_RetrieveByReleaseId ( int releaseId, ArrayOfRemoteFilter?  remoteFilters, RemoteSort?  remoteSort, int startingRow, int numberOfRows, )
Retrieves the list of builds that are associated with a specific Release
booleanConnection_Authenticate ( string?  userName, string?  password, )
Authenticates against the server. Need to call before using other methods
booleanConnection_Authenticate2 ( string?  userName, string?  password, string?  plugInName, )
Authenticates against the server. Need to call before using other methods. This overload allows you to specify the name of the plug-in calling the API
booleanConnection_ConnectToProject ( int projectId, )
Connects to a project, needed before calling other artifact import methods
Disconnects the currenly authenticated / authorized user
RemoteCustomListCustomProperty_AddCustomList ( RemoteCustomList?  remoteCustomList, )
Adds a new custom list into the project
RemoteCustomListValueCustomProperty_AddCustomListValue ( RemoteCustomListValue?  remoteCustomListValue, )
Adds a new custom property list value into the system
RemoteCustomListCustomProperty_RetrieveCustomListById ( int customListId, )
Retrieves a custom list by its ID, including any custom list values
Retrieves all the custom lists in the current project
ArrayOfRemoteCustomPropertyCustomProperty_RetrieveForArtifactType ( int artifactTypeId, )
Retrieves the list of custom properties configured for the current project and the specified artifact type
CustomProperty_UpdateCustomList ( RemoteCustomList?  remoteCustomList, )
Updates a custom list and any associated values in the system
CustomProperty_UpdateCustomProperties ( int artifactTypeId, ArrayOfRemoteCustomProperty?  remoteCustomProperties, )
Saves the updated custom property configuration for a project
DataMapping_AddArtifactMappings ( int dataSyncSystemId, int artifactTypeId, ArrayOfRemoteDataMapping?  remoteDataMappings, )
Adds new artifact data mapping entries
DataMapping_AddUserMappings ( int dataSyncSystemId, ArrayOfRemoteDataMapping?  remoteDataMappings, )
Adds new user data mapping entries
DataMapping_RemoveArtifactMappings ( int dataSyncSystemId, int artifactTypeId, ArrayOfRemoteDataMapping?  remoteDataMappings, )
Removes existing artifact data mapping entries
ArrayOfRemoteDataMappingDataMapping_RetrieveArtifactMappings ( int dataSyncSystemId, int artifactTypeId, )
Retrieves a list of data mappings for artifact ids in the system
RemoteDataMappingDataMapping_RetrieveCustomPropertyMapping ( int dataSyncSystemId, int artifactTypeId, int customPropertyId, )
Retrieves the data mapping for a custom property
ArrayOfRemoteDataMappingDataMapping_RetrieveCustomPropertyValueMappings ( int dataSyncSystemId, int artifactTypeId, int customPropertyId, )
Retrieves a list of data mappings for custom property values
ArrayOfRemoteDataMappingDataMapping_RetrieveFieldValueMappings ( int dataSyncSystemId, int artifactFieldId, )
Retrieves a list of data mappings for artifact field values
ArrayOfRemoteDataMappingDataMapping_RetrieveProjectMappings ( int dataSyncSystemId, )
Retrieves a list of data mappings for projects in the system
ArrayOfRemoteDataMappingDataMapping_RetrieveUserMappings ( int dataSyncSystemId, )
Retrieves a list of data mappings for users in the system
RemoteDocumentDocument_AddFile ( RemoteDocument?  remoteDocument, base64Binary?  binaryData, )
Adds a new document (file) into the system and associates it with the provided artifact (optional) and project folder/type (optional)
RemoteDocumentVersionDocument_AddFileVersion ( RemoteDocumentVersion?  remoteDocumentVersion, base64Binary?  binaryData, boolean makeCurrent, )
Adds a new version to a file attachment in the system
RemoteDocumentFolderDocument_AddFolder ( RemoteDocumentFolder?  remoteDocumentFolder, )
Adds a new document folder into the current project
Document_AddToArtifactId ( int artifactTypeId, int artifactId, int attachmentId, )
Adds an existing attachment to the specified artifact.
RemoteDocumentDocument_AddUrl ( RemoteDocument?  remoteDocument, )
Adds a new document (url) into the system and associates it with the provided artifact (optional) and project folder/type (optional)
RemoteDocumentVersionDocument_AddUrlVersion ( RemoteDocumentVersion?  remoteDocumentVersion, boolean makeCurrent, )
Adds a new version to a URL attachment in the system
Document_Delete ( int attachmentId, )
Deletes an attachment from the project completely
Document_DeleteFolder ( int projectAttachmentFolderId, )
Deletes an existing document folder from the current project
Document_DeleteFromArtifact ( int attachmentId, int artifactTypeId, int artifactId, )
Deletes an attachment from an artifact. The attachment will still remain in the project
base64BinaryDocument_OpenFile ( int attachmentId, )
Returns the actual binary content of a file attachment in the system
RemoteDocumentDocument_RetrieveById ( int attachmentId, )
Retrieves a single project document by its id
RemoteDocumentFolderDocument_RetrieveFolderById ( int folderId, )
Retrieves the folder by the specified ID.
Retrieves a list of all the document folders in the current project
ArrayOfRemoteDocumentDocument_RetrieveForArtifact ( int artifactTypeId, int artifactId, ArrayOfRemoteFilter?  remoteFilters, RemoteSort?  remoteSort, )
Retrieves a filtered list of documents/attachments in a project attached to a specific artifact
ArrayOfRemoteDocumentDocument_RetrieveForFolder ( int folderId, ArrayOfRemoteFilter?  remoteFilters, RemoteSort?  remoteSort, int startingRow, int numberRows, )
Retrieves a filtered list of documents/attachments in a project for the specified folder
ArrayOfRemoteDocumentTypeDocument_RetrieveTypes ( boolean activeOnly, )
Retrieves a list of all the document types in the current project
Document_UpdateFolder ( RemoteDocumentFolder?  remoteDocumentFolder, )
Updates the name and position of an existing folder in the project
RemoteIncidentPriorityIncident_AddPriority ( RemoteIncidentPriority?  remoteIncidentPriority, )
Adds a new incident priority to the current project
ArrayOfRemoteIncidentResolutionIncident_AddResolutions ( ArrayOfRemoteIncidentResolution?  remoteIncidentResolutions, )
Adds new incident resolutions to incidents in the system
RemoteIncidentSeverityIncident_AddSeverity ( RemoteIncidentSeverity?  remoteIncidentSeverity, )
Adds a new incident severity to the current project
RemoteIncidentStatusIncident_AddStatus ( RemoteIncidentStatus?  remoteIncidentStatus, )
Adds a new incident status to the current project
RemoteIncidentTypeIncident_AddType ( RemoteIncidentType?  remoteIncidentType, )
Adds a new incident type to the current project
longIncident_Count ( ArrayOfRemoteFilter?  remoteFilters, )
Returns the number of incidents that match the filter.
RemoteIncidentIncident_Create ( RemoteIncident?  remoteIncident, )
Creates a new incident in the system
Incident_Delete ( int incidentId, )
Deletes a incident in the system
ArrayOfRemoteIncidentIncident_Retrieve ( ArrayOfRemoteFilter?  remoteFilters, RemoteSort?  remoteSort, int startingRow, int numberOfRows, )
Retrieves a list of incidents in the system that match the provided filter/sort
RemoteIncidentIncident_RetrieveById ( int incidentId, )
Retrieves a single incident in the system
ArrayOfRemoteIncidentIncident_RetrieveByTestCase ( int testCaseId, boolean openOnly, )
Retrieves a list of incidents in the system that are linked to a specific test case (either through test runs or test steps)
ArrayOfRemoteIncidentIncident_RetrieveByTestRunStep ( int testRunStepId, )
Retrieves a list of incidents in the system that are linked to a specific test run step
ArrayOfRemoteIncidentIncident_RetrieveByTestStep ( int testStepId, )
Retrieves a list of incidents in the system that are linked to a specific test step (either directly or indirectly through test runs)
Retrieves all open incidents owned by the currently authenticated user
ArrayOfRemoteIncidentIncident_RetrieveNew ( dateTime creationDate, )
Retrieves the 1000 most recent incidents added in the system since the date specified
Retrieves a list of the active incident priorities for the current project
ArrayOfRemoteIncidentResolutionIncident_RetrieveResolutions ( int incidentId, )
Retrieves the incident resolutions for an incident
Retrieves a list of the active incident severities for the current project
Retrieves a list of the active incident statuses for the current project
Retrieves a list of the active incident types for the current project
ArrayOfRemoteWorkflowIncidentCustomPropertiesIncident_RetrieveWorkflowCustomProperties ( int currentTypeId, int currentStatusId, )
Retrieves the list of incident custom properties and their workflow state for a given type and status/step.
ArrayOfRemoteWorkflowIncidentFieldsIncident_RetrieveWorkflowFields ( int currentTypeId, int currentStatusId, )
Retrieves the list of incident fields and their workflow status for a given type and status/step.
ArrayOfRemoteWorkflowIncidentTransitionIncident_RetrieveWorkflowTransitions ( int currentTypeId, int currentStatusId, boolean isDetector, boolean isOwner, )
Will retrieve available transitions for the specied status ID for the currently logged-on user.
Incident_Update ( RemoteIncident?  remoteIncident, )
Updates an incident in the system
RemoteProjectProject_Create ( RemoteProject?  remoteProject, int?  existingProjectId, )
Creates a new project in the system and makes the authenticated user owner of it
Project_Delete ( int projectId, )
Deletes an existing project in the system
Project_RefreshProgressExecutionStatusCaches ( int?  releaseId, boolean runInBackground, )
Refreshes the task progress and test execution status for a project. Typically this needs to be called after TestRun_RecordAutomated3(...) API calls to ensure the data in the system is consistent
Retrieves a list of projects that the authenticated user has access to
RemoteProjectProject_RetrieveById ( int projectId, )
Retrieves a single project in the system
Retrieves the list of users that are members of the current project
Retrieves a list of project roles in the system
Release_AddTestMapping ( RemoteReleaseTestCaseMapping?  remoteReleaseTestCaseMapping, )
Maps a release to a test case, so that the test case is needs to be tested for that release
Release_AddTestMapping2 ( ArrayOfRemoteReleaseTestCaseMapping?  remoteReleaseTestCaseMappings, )
Maps a release to a test case, so that the test case is needs to be tested for that release
longRelease_Count ( ArrayOfRemoteFilter?  remoteFilters, )
Returns the number of releases that match the filter.
RemoteReleaseRelease_Create ( RemoteRelease?  remoteRelease, int?  parentReleaseId, )
Creates a new release in the system
RemoteCommentRelease_CreateComment ( RemoteComment?  remoteComment, )
Creates a new comment for a release.
Release_Delete ( int releaseId, )
Deletes a release in the system
Release_Move ( int releaseId, int?  destinationReleaseId, )
Moves a release to another location in the hierarchy
Release_RemoveTestMapping ( RemoteReleaseTestCaseMapping?  remoteReleaseTestCaseMapping, )
Removes a mapping entry for a specific release and test case
ArrayOfRemoteReleaseRelease_Retrieve ( boolean activeOnly, )
Retrieves all the releases and iterations belonging to the current project
ArrayOfRemoteReleaseRelease_Retrieve2 ( ArrayOfRemoteFilter?  remoteFilters, int startingRow, int numberOfRows, )
Retrieves a list of releases in the system that match the provided filter
RemoteReleaseRelease_RetrieveById ( int releaseId, )
Retrieves a single release in the system
ArrayOfRemoteCommentRelease_RetrieveComments ( int ReleaseId, )
Retrieves comments for a specified release.
ArrayOfRemoteReleaseTestCaseMappingRelease_RetrieveTestMapping ( int releaseId, )
Retrieves the mapped test cases for a specific release
Release_Update ( RemoteRelease?  remoteRelease, )
Updates a release in the system
Requirement_AddTestCoverage ( RemoteRequirementTestCaseMapping?  remoteReqTestCaseMapping, )
Maps a requirement to a test case, so that the test case 'covers' the requirement
longRequirement_Count ( ArrayOfRemoteFilter?  remoteFilters, )
Returns the number of requirements that match the filter.
RemoteRequirementRequirement_Create1 ( RemoteRequirement?  remoteRequirement, int indentPosition, )
Creates a new requirement record in the current project using the position offset method
RemoteRequirementRequirement_Create2 ( RemoteRequirement?  remoteRequirement, int?  parentRequirementId, )
Creates a new requirement in the system
RemoteCommentRequirement_CreateComment ( RemoteComment?  remoteComment, )
Creates a new comment for a requirement.
Requirement_Delete ( int requirementId, )
Deletes a requirement in the system
Requirement_Move ( int requirementId, int?  destinationRequirementId, )
Moves a requirement to another location in the hierarchy
Requirement_RemoveTestCoverage ( RemoteRequirementTestCaseMapping?  remoteReqTestCaseMapping, )
Removes a coverage mapping entry for a specific requirement and test case
ArrayOfRemoteRequirementRequirement_Retrieve ( ArrayOfRemoteFilter?  remoteFilters, int startingRow, int numberOfRows, )
Retrieves a list of requirements in the system that match the provided filter
RemoteRequirementRequirement_RetrieveById ( int requirementId, )
Retrieves a single requirement in the system
ArrayOfRemoteCommentRequirement_RetrieveComments ( int RequirementId, )
Retrieves comments for a specified requirement.
Retrieves all requirements owned by the currently authenticated user
ArrayOfRemoteRequirementTestCaseMappingRequirement_RetrieveTestCoverage ( int requirementId, )
Retrieves the test coverage for a specific requirement
Requirement_Update ( RemoteRequirement?  remoteRequirement, )
Updates a requirement in the system
stringSystem_GetArtifactUrl ( int navigationLinkId, int projectId, int artifactId, string?  tabName, )
Returns the application-relative URL to a particular artifact in the system
Gets the brand name of the product installed
Retrieves the version number of the current installation.
Retrieves the current date-time on the server in local time
Returns the current configuration settings for the installation.
Gets the base URL of the website that the system is running under. Used for notifications and exported artifacts
longTask_Count ( ArrayOfRemoteFilter?  remoteFilters, )
Returns the number of tasks that match the filter.
RemoteTaskTask_Create ( RemoteTask?  remoteTask, )
Creates a new task in the system
RemoteCommentTask_CreateComment ( RemoteComment?  remoteComment, )
Creates a new comment for a task.
Task_Delete ( int taskId, )
Deletes a task in the system
ArrayOfRemoteTaskTask_Retrieve ( ArrayOfRemoteFilter?  remoteFilters, RemoteSort?  remoteSort, int startingRow, int numberOfRows, )
Retrieves a list of tasks in the system that match the provided filter/sort
RemoteTaskTask_RetrieveById ( int taskId, )
Retrieves a single task in the system
ArrayOfRemoteCommentTask_RetrieveComments ( int TaskId, )
Retrieves comments for a specified task.
Retrieves all tasks owned by the currently authenticated user
ArrayOfRemoteTaskTask_RetrieveNew ( dateTime creationDate, )
Retrieves all new tasks added in the system since the date specified
Task_Update ( RemoteTask?  remoteTask, )
Updates a task in the system
intTestCase_AddLink ( int testCaseId, int position, int linkedTestCaseId, ArrayOfRemoteTestStepParameter?  parameters, )
Adds a new test step that is actually a link to a test case
RemoteTestCaseParameterTestCase_AddParameter ( RemoteTestCaseParameter?  remoteTestCaseParameter, )
Adds a new parameter for a test case
RemoteTestStepTestCase_AddStep ( RemoteTestStep?  remoteTestStep, int testCaseId, )
Adds a new test step to the specified test case
TestCase_AddUpdateAutomationScript ( int testCaseId, int?  automationEngineId, string?  urlOrFilename, string?  description, base64Binary?  binaryData, string?  version, int?  projectAttachmentTypeId, int?  projectAttachmentFolderId, )
Adds or updates the automation test script associated with a test case
longTestCase_Count ( ArrayOfRemoteFilter?  remoteFilters, )
Returns the number of test cases that match the filter.
RemoteTestCaseTestCase_Create ( RemoteTestCase?  remoteTestCase, int?  parentTestFolderId, )
Creates a new test case in the system
RemoteCommentTestCase_CreateComment ( RemoteComment?  remoteComment, )
Creates a new comment for a test case.
RemoteTestCaseTestCase_CreateFolder ( RemoteTestCase?  remoteTestCase, int?  parentTestFolderId, )
Creates a new test case folder in the system
stringTestCase_CreateParameterToken ( string?  parameterName, )
Returns the full token of a test case parameter from its name
TestCase_Delete ( int testCaseId, )
Deletes a test case in the system
TestCase_DeleteStep ( int testCaseId, int testStepId, )
Deletes a test step in the system
TestCase_Move ( int testCaseId, int?  destinationTestCaseId, )
Moves a test case to another folder in the hierarchy
TestCase_MoveStep ( int testCaseId, int sourceTestStepId, int?  destinationTestStepId, )
Moves a test step to a different position in the test case
ArrayOfRemoteTestCaseTestCase_Retrieve ( ArrayOfRemoteFilter?  remoteFilters, int startingRow, int numberOfRows, )
Retrieves a list of testCases in the system that match the provided filter
ArrayOfRemoteTestCaseTestCase_RetrieveByFolder ( int testCaseFolderId, )
Retrieves all test cases that are stored in a particular test folder
RemoteTestCaseTestCase_RetrieveById ( int testCaseId, )
Retrieves a single test case/folder in the system
ArrayOfRemoteTestCaseTestCase_RetrieveByReleaseId ( int releaseId, ArrayOfRemoteFilter?  remoteFilters, int startingRow, int numberOfRows, )
Retrieves a list of testCases in a particular release that match the provided filter
ArrayOfRemoteTestCaseTestCase_RetrieveByTestSetId ( int testSetId, )
Retrieves all the test cases that are part of a test set
ArrayOfRemoteCommentTestCase_RetrieveComments ( int TestCaseId, )
Retrieves comments for a specified test case.
Retrieves all testCases owned by the currently authenticated user
TestCase_Update ( RemoteTestCase?  remoteTestCase, )
Updates a test case / folder in the system together with its test steps (if populated)
longTestRun_Count ( ArrayOfRemoteFilter?  remoteFilters, )
Returns the number of test runs that match the filter.
ArrayOfRemoteAutomatedTestRunTestRun_CreateForAutomatedTestSet ( int testSetId, string?  automationHostToken, )
Creates a shell set of test runs for an external automated test runner based on the provided test set id
ArrayOfRemoteAutomatedTestRunTestRun_CreateForAutomationHost ( string?  automationHostToken, DateRange?  dateRange, )
Creates a shell set of test runs for an external automated test runner based on the provided automation host token and the specified date range
ArrayOfRemoteManualTestRunTestRun_CreateFromTestCases ( ArrayOfint?  testCaseIds, int?  releaseId, )
Creates a new test run shell from the provided test case(s)
ArrayOfRemoteManualTestRunTestRun_CreateFromTestSet ( int testSetId, )
Creates a new test run shell from the provided test set
RemoteAutomatedTestRunTestRun_RecordAutomated1 ( RemoteAutomatedTestRun?  remoteTestRun, )
Records the results of executing an automated test
intTestRun_RecordAutomated2 ( string?  userName, string?  password, int projectId, int testerUserId, int testCaseId, int?  releaseId, int?  testSetId, int?  testSetTestCaseId, dateTime startDate, dateTime endDate, int executionStatusId, string?  runnerName, string?  runnerTestName, int runnerAssertCount, string?  runnerMessage, string?  runnerStackTrace, )
Records the results of executing an automated test
ArrayOfRemoteAutomatedTestRunTestRun_RecordAutomated3 ( ArrayOfRemoteAutomatedTestRun?  remoteTestRuns, )
Records the results of executing multiple automated tests
ArrayOfRemoteTestRunTestRun_Retrieve ( ArrayOfRemoteFilter?  remoteFilters, RemoteSort?  remoteSort, int startingRow, int numberOfRows, )
Retrieves a list of test runs in the system that match the provided filter/sort
ArrayOfRemoteAutomatedTestRunTestRun_RetrieveAutomated ( ArrayOfRemoteFilter?  remoteFilters, RemoteSort?  remoteSort, int startingRow, int numberOfRows, )
Retrieves a list of automated test runs in the system that match the provided filter/sort
RemoteAutomatedTestRunTestRun_RetrieveAutomatedById ( int testRunId, )
Retrieves a single automated test run in the system including the automation-specific information
RemoteTestRunTestRun_RetrieveById ( int testRunId, )
Retrieves a single test run in the system. Only returns the generic information that is applicable for both automated and manual tests. Consider using TestRun_RetrieveAutomatedById or TestRun_RetrieveManualById if you need the automation/manual specific data for the test run
ArrayOfRemoteManualTestRunTestRun_RetrieveManual ( ArrayOfRemoteFilter?  remoteFilters, RemoteSort?  remoteSort, int startingRow, int numberOfRows, )
Retrieves a list of manual test runs in the system that match the provided filter/sort
RemoteManualTestRunTestRun_RetrieveManualById ( int testRunId, )
Retrieves a single manual test run in the system including any associated steps
ArrayOfRemoteManualTestRunTestRun_Save ( ArrayOfRemoteManualTestRun?  remoteTestRuns, dateTime endDate, )
Saves set of test runs, each containing test run steps
TestSet_AddTestMapping ( RemoteTestSetTestCaseMapping?  remoteTestSetTestCaseMapping, int?  existingTestSetTestCaseId, ArrayOfRemoteTestSetTestCaseParameter?  parameters, )
Maps a test set to a test case, so that the test case is part of the test set
longTestSet_Count ( ArrayOfRemoteFilter?  remoteFilters, )
Returns the number of test sets that match the filter.
RemoteTestSetTestSet_Create ( RemoteTestSet?  remoteTestSet, int?  parentTestSetFolderId, )
Creates a new test set in the system
RemoteCommentTestSet_CreateComment ( RemoteComment?  remoteComment, )
Creates a new comment for a test set.
RemoteTestSetTestSet_CreateFolder ( RemoteTestSet?  remoteTestSet, int?  parentTestSetFolderId, )
Creates a new test set folder in the system
TestSet_Delete ( int testSetId, )
Deletes a test set in the system
TestSet_Move ( int testSetId, int?  destinationTestSetId, )
Moves a test set to another location in the hierarchy
TestSet_RemoveTestMapping ( RemoteTestSetTestCaseMapping?  remoteTestSetTestCaseMapping, )
Removes a test case from a test set
ArrayOfRemoteTestSetTestSet_Retrieve ( ArrayOfRemoteFilter?  remoteFilters, int startingRow, int numberOfRows, )
Retrieves a list of testSets in the system that match the provided filter
RemoteTestSetTestSet_RetrieveById ( int testSetId, )
Retrieves a single test set/folder in the system
ArrayOfRemoteCommentTestSet_RetrieveComments ( int TestSetId, )
Retrieves comments for a specified test set.
Retrieves all testSets owned by the currently authenticated user
ArrayOfRemoteTestSetTestCaseMappingTestSet_RetrieveTestCaseMapping ( int testSetId, )
Retrieves all the test cases that are part of a test set
TestSet_Update ( RemoteTestSet?  remoteTestSet, )
Updates a test set in the system
RemoteUserUser_Create ( RemoteUser?  remoteUser, int projectRoleId, )
Creates a new user in the system and adds them to the current project as the specified role
RemoteUserUser_RetrieveById ( int userId, )
Retrieves a single user in the system
RemoteUserUser_RetrieveByUserName ( string?  userName, )
Retrieves a single user in the system by user-name