SpiraPlan: ImportExport SOAP Web Service

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Represents an association/link between artifacts in the system

Base Classes



The following properties are provided directly by this class:

Name Type Description Required
ArtifactLinkIdint? The id of the association/link
Commentstring? A comment that describes the association in more detail
CreationDatedateTime? The date/time the association was created
CreatorIdint? The user creating the association/link ( If not specified, the authenticated user is used )
CreatorNamestring? The display name of the user that created the association/link
DestArtifactIdint The artifact id being linked TO Yes
DestArtifactNamestring? The display name of the artifact being linked to
DestArtifactTypeIdint The type of artifact being linked TO Yes
DestArtifactTypeNamestring? The display name of the type of artifact being linked to
SourceArtifactIdint The artifact id being linked FROM Yes
SourceArtifactTypeIdint The type of artifact being linked FROM Yes