SpiraPlan: SoapService SOAP Web Service

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Represents a single change made to a field

Base Classes



The following properties are provided directly by this class:

Name Type Description Required
ArtifactFieldIdint? The id of the artifact field if this was a standard field that was changed (NULL = custom property)
ChangeSetRemoteHistoryChangeSet? The changeset information
ChangeSetIdint The id of the change set this belongs to Yes
CustomPropertyIdint? The id of the custom property if this was a custom property that was changed (NULL = standard field)
FieldCaptionstring? The display name of either the standard field or the custom property
FieldNamestring? The system name of either the standard field or the custom property
HistoryChangeIdint The id of the change Yes
NewValuestring? The new value of the field serialized as a string
OldValuestring? The old value of the field serialized as a string