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Represents a single Ticket artifact in the system

This version of the data-object does not support access to the ticket's custom properties

Base Classes



The following properties are provided directly by this class:

Type Name Required
dateTimeAccessedDate - The date/time that the ticket was last accessed Yes
long? AssigneeId - The id of the user that the ticket is assigned to
string? AssigneeUserName - The name of the user that the ticket is assigned to ( Read-only )
ArrayOfstring? CCList - The list of email addresses to be CCed
dateTime? ClosedDate - The date/time that the ticket was closed
guidConcurrencyId - The concurrency date/time (used to prevent users overwriting each other's changes) Yes
dateTime? CreationDate - The date/time that the ticket was created ( If no date/time is specified, the current UTC date/time is used )
string? Description - The description of the ticket
booleanHasAttachments - Does this ticket have any file attachments Yes
booleanIsDeleted - Has this ticket been deleted Yes
dateTimeLastUpdateDate - The date/time that the ticket was last updated Yes
string? LongDescription - The description of the ticket, with all the notes concatenated into it ( Read-only )
string? Name - The short name of the ticket
ArrayOfRemoteTicketNote? Notes - The list of notes attached to the ticket
long? OpenerId - The id of the user that opened the ticket ( If no value is specified on creation, the current user is used )
string? OpenerUserName - The name of the user that opened the ticket ( Read-only )
int? PriorityId - The id of the ticket priority
string? PriorityName - The name of the ticket priority ( Read-only )
intProductId - The id of the product that the ticket is associated with Yes
string? ProductName - The name of the product that the ticket is associated with ( Read-only )
int? ResolutionId - The id of the ticket resolution
string? ResolutionName - The name of the ticket resolution ( Read-only )
short? SourceId - An ID that tells KronoDesk what is the source of this ticket (e.g. -2 = from email)
int? StatusId - The id of the ticket status ( If no status provided, the default status is used )
string? StatusName - The name of the ticket status ( Read-only )
long? TicketId - The ticket primary key
int? TypeId - The id of the ticket type
string? TypeName - The name of the ticket type ( Read-only )