SpiraPlan: ImportExport SOAP Web Service

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This object represents a single test run instance in the system

Base Classes

This class extends the following base classes:


The following properties are provided directly by this class:

Name Type Description Required
BuildIdint? The id of the build that the test was executed against
EndDatedateTime? The date/time that the test execution was completed
ExecutionStatusIdint The id of overall execution status for the test run ( Failed = 1; Passed = 2; NotRun = 3; NotApplicable = 4; Blocked = 5; Caution = 6; ) Yes
Namestring? The name of the test run (usually the same as the test case)
ReleaseIdint? The id of the release that the test run should be reported against
StartDatedateTime The date/time that the test execution was started Yes
TestCaseIdint The id of the test case that the test run is an instance of Yes
TestRunIdint? The id of the test run
TestRunTypeIdint The id of the type of test run (automated vs. manual) Yes
TestSetIdint? The id of the test set that the test run should be reported against
TestSetTestCaseIdint? The id of the unique test case entry in the test set
TesterIdint? The id of the user that executed the test ( The authenticated user is used if no value is provided )