SpiraPlan: ImportExport SOAP Web Service

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Represents a single filter that can be applied to a Retrieve query

Base Classes



The following properties are provided directly by this class:

Name Type Description Required
DateRangeValueDateRange? The filter value for date/time fields where you want to filter on a date range
IntValueint? The filter value for fields that contain integers ( Used when you only want to filter on a single value )
MultiValueMultiValueFilter? The filter value for fields that contain integers ( Used when you only want to filter on a set of multiple values )
PropertyNamestring? The name of the field being filtered on. For standard fields it would be something like 'RequirementStatusId', for custom properties, it would be of the format: 'Custom_01' not the display name.
StringValuestring? The filter value for fields that contain strings ( This will perform a LIKE wildcard match on the string )