SpiraPlan: SoapService SOAP Web Service

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Contains a workflow transition.

Base Classes

This class extends the following base classes:


The following properties are provided directly by this class:

Name Type Description Required
BlankOwnerboolean Does the status this transition transitions to allow the Owner (OwnerId) field to be blank on the artifact being transitioned Yes
ExecuteByCreatorboolean Can this transition be executed by the creator of the artifact Yes
ExecuteByOwnerboolean Can this transition be executed by the owner of the artifact Yes
Namestring? What is the name of the transition
NotificationRolesArrayOfint? UserRoleIds for who is notified when this transition occurrs (Incidents only)
NotificationSubjectstring? Transition notification email subject line for emails sent to users configured to recieve notifications for this transition. (Incidents only)
NotifyCreatorboolean Does this transition notify the artifact creator Yes
NotifyOwnerboolean Does this transition notify the artifact owner Yes
RequireSignatureboolean Does it require an electronic signature Yes
StatusId_Inputint What is the id of the input artifact status Yes
StatusId_Outputint What is the id of the output artifact status Yes
StatusName_Inputstring? What is the display name of the input artifact status
StatusName_Outputstring? What is the display name of the output artifact status
TransitionIdint What is the id of this transition Yes
UserRolesArrayOfint? UserRoleIds for who can execute this transition
WorkflowIdint What workflow does this transition belong to Yes