SpiraPlan: SoapService SOAP Web Service

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Represents a single Timesheet artifact in the system

Base Classes



The following properties are provided directly by this class:

Name Type Description Required
ApprovalDatedateTime? The date the timesheet was approved
Approverstring? The name of the user that approved the timesheet
ApproverCommentsstring? The comment(s) made by the approver of this timesheet
ApproverUserIdint? The id of the user that approved the timesheet
CreationDatedateTime The date the timesheet was created Yes
EndDatedateTime The final date the timesheet covers Yes
EntriesArrayOfRemoteTimesheetEntry? The list of entries of this timesheet
IsDeletedboolean Was this timesheet deleted from the system? Yes
LastUpdateDatedateTime The date the timesheet was updated last Yes
StartDatedateTime The initial date the timesheet covers Yes
Statusstring? The name of the status of the timesheet
Submitterstring? The name of the user that created the timesheet
SubmitterCommentsstring? The comment(s) made by the submitter of this timesheet
SubmitterUserIdint? The id of the user that created the timesheet
TimesheetIdint? The id of the timesheet
TimesheetStatusIdint? The status id of the timesheet