SpiraPlan: SoapService SOAP Web Service

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Represents a single Timesheet artifact in the system

Base Classes



The following properties are provided directly by this class:

Name Type Description Required
ArtifactIdint? The ID of the artifact recorded in this entry
Descriptionstring? The description of this entry
Effortint The effort of this entry (in minutes) Yes
EffortDatedateTime The date corresponding to the effort Yes
EntryArtifactTypeIdint? The type of the artifact recorded in this entry
ProjectGroupIdint? The program this entry belongs to
ProjectIdint? The product which this artifact exists or existed within
ResourceCategoryIdint? The resource category of this entry
TimesheetEntryIdint? The id of the timesheet entry
TimesheetEntryTypeIdint? The id of the timesheet entry type
TimesheetIdint? The id of the timesheet this entry belongs to
UserIdint? The id of the user that created this entry