SpiraPlan: SoapService SOAP Web Service

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Represents a single User in the system

Base Classes

This class extends the following base classes:


The following properties are provided directly by this class:

Name Type Description Required
Activeboolean Whether the user is active in the system Yes
Adminboolean Whether the user is a system administrator Yes
Approvedboolean Is this user approved by the system administrator Yes
CustomPropertiesArrayOfRemoteSystemArtifactCustomProperty? The list of associated custom properties/fields for this user ( Not currently used, but there for the future )
Departmentstring? The department of the user
EmailAddressstring? The email address of the user
EmailsEnabledboolean Whether or not a user has opted to recieve emails or not Yes
FirstNamestring? The first (given) name of the user
FullNamestring? The full name of the user concatenated (First + Middle + Last)
LastActivityDatedateTime? Last date this users account did something
LastLockoutDatedateTime? Last date this users account was locked out
LastLoginDatedateTime? Last date this users account was logged in to
LastNamestring? The last name (surname) of the user
LastPasswordChangedateTime? Last date this users account password was changed
LdapDnstring? The LDAP Distinguished Name for the user (null for non-LDAP users)
Lockedboolean Is this user locked-out of their account Yes
MiddleInitialstring? The middle initials of the user
MutliFactorAuthenticationboolean Whether this user is using Spira's integrated MFA implementation. Yes
OAuthProviderstring? Name of the external OAuth provider being used to access this account
OrganizationIdint? ID of the organization this user belongs to
OrganizationNamestring? Organization name of the user
PortfolioViewerboolean Whether this user has permissions to view all portfolios Yes
ReportAdminboolean Whether the user is a report admin Yes
RssTokenstring? This is the RSS token for this user ( For security reasons, you have to access the API as a system administrator to retrieve this field )
TimesheetManagerboolean Whether this user is a timesheet manager Yes
UserGuidstring? The guid of the user
UserIdint? The id of the user
UserNamestring? The login used by the user