SpiraPlan: SoapService SOAP Web Service

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Maps a test set to a test case, so that the test case is part of the test set

You can only pass in a test case id not a test case folder id. Position cannot be set in this method. It will always default to being the last item in the list of test cases, but can be updated with other methods.


Type Name Required
RemoteCredentials? credentials - The API credentials
intprojectId - The ID of the project Yes
RemoteTestSetTestCaseMapping? remoteTestSetTestCaseMapping - The test set and test case mapping entry
int? existingTestSetTestCaseId - The id of the existing entry we want to insert it before (if not set, will be simply added to the end of the list)
ArrayOfRemoteTestSetTestCaseParameter? parameters - Any parameter values to be passed from the test set to the test case
dateTime? plannedDate - The planned date for the test case in this test set

Return Value

ArrayOfRemoteTestSetTestCaseMapping - A list of the newly mapped items, with the unique instance id (TestSetTestCaseId) populated