SpiraPlan: ImportExport SOAP Web Service

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Represents a single User in the system

Base Classes



The following properties are provided directly by this class:

Name Type Description Required
Activeboolean Whether the user is active in the system Yes
Adminboolean Whether the user is a system administrator Yes
EmailAddressstring? The email address of the user
FirstNamestring? The first (given) name of the user
FullNamestring? The full name of the user concatenated (First + Middle + Last)
LastNamestring? The last name (surname) of the user
LdapDnstring? The LDAP Distinguished Name for the user (null for non-LDAP users)
MiddleInitialstring? The middle initials of the user
Passwordstring? The password used by the user (null for LDAP users)
UserIdint? The id of the user
UserNamestring? The login used by the user