SpiraPlan: ImportExport SOAP Web Service
See all operations
Represents a single Incident artifact in the system
Base Classes
This class extends the following base classes:
The following properties are provided directly by this class:
Name | Type | Description | Required |
ActualEffort | int? | The actual effort (in minutes) it took to resolve the incident | |
ClosedDate | dateTime? | The date that the incident was closed | |
CompletionPercent | int | The completion percentage (value = 0-100) of the incident as calculated in the system from the remaining effort vs. the original estimated effort. ( Read-Only ) | Yes |
CreationDate | dateTime? | The date/time that the incident was originally created ( If no value is provided, the current date/time on the server is used ) | |
Description | string? | The description of the incident | |
DetectedReleaseId | int? | The id of the release/iteration that the incident was detected in | |
DetectedReleaseVersionNumber | string? | The version number of the release/iteration that the incident was detected in | |
EstimatedEffort | int? | The estimated effort (in minutes) to resolve the incident | |
FixedBuildId | int? | The id of the build that the incident was fixed in | |
FixedBuildName | string? | The name of the build that the incident was fixed in | |
IncidentId | int? | The id of the incident | |
IncidentStatusId | int? | The id of the status of the incident ( If no value is provided, the default status for the workflow is used ) | |
IncidentStatusName | string? | The display name of the status of the incident | |
IncidentStatusOpenStatus | boolean? | Is the incident in an 'open' status or not? | |
IncidentTypeId | int? | The id of the type of the incident ( If no value is provided, the default type for the project is used ) | |
IncidentTypeName | string? | The display name of the type of the incident | |
LastUpdateDate | dateTime | The date/time that the incident was last modified ( This field needs to match the values retrieved to ensure data-concurrency ) | Yes |
Name | string? | The name of the incident | |
OpenerId | int? | The id of the user who detected the incident ( If a value is not provided, the authenticated user is used ) | |
OpenerName | string? | The display name of the user that detected the incident | |
OwnerId | int? | The id of the user to the incident is assigned-to | |
OwnerName | string? | The display name of the user that the incident is assigned to | |
PriorityId | int? | The id of the priority of the incident | |
PriorityName | string? | The display name of the priority of the incident | |
ProjectName | string? | The display name of the project the incident belongs to | |
ProjectedEffort | int? | The projected actual effort of the incident when it is completed ( Read-Only ) | |
RemainingEffort | int? | The effort remaining as reported by the developer | |
ResolvedReleaseId | int? | The id of the release/iteration that the incident will be fixed in | |
ResolvedReleaseVersionNumber | string? | The version number of the release/iteration that the incident will be resolved in | |
SeverityId | int? | The id of the severity of the incident | |
SeverityName | string? | The display name of the severity of the incident | |
StartDate | dateTime? | The date that work started on the incident | |
TestRunStepId | int? | The id of the test run step that the incident relates to | |
VerifiedReleaseId | int? | The id of the release/iteration that the incident was retested in | |
VerifiedReleaseVersionNumber | string? | The version number of the release/iteration that the incident was retested in |