SpiraPlan: ImportExport SOAP Web Service

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Represents a single Requirement artifact in the system

Base Classes

This class extends the following base classes:


The following properties are provided directly by this class:

Name Type Description Required
AuthorIdint? The id of the user that wrote the requirement ( If no value is provided, the authenticated user is used instead )
AuthorNamestring? The display name of the user that wrote this requirement
CoverageCountBlockedint? How many of the test cases that cover this requirement have blocked
CoverageCountCautionint? How many of the test cases that cover this requirement have been marked as caution
CoverageCountFailedint? How many of the test cases that cover this requirement have failed
CoverageCountPassedint? How many of the test cases that cover this requirement have passed
CoverageCountTotalint? How many test cases cover this requirement
CreationDatedateTime The date/time the requirement was originally created Yes
Descriptionstring? The description of the requirement
ImportanceIdint? The id of the importance of the requirement
ImportanceNamestring? The display name of the importance that the requirement is in
IndentLevelstring? The indentation level of the artifact ( The system uses a set of three-letter segments to denote indent (e.g. AAA followed by AAB, etc.) )
LastUpdateDatedateTime The date/time the requirement was last modified Yes
Namestring? The name of the requirement
OwnerIdint? The id of the user that the requirement is assigned-to
OwnerNamestring? The display name of the user that this requirement is assigned-to
PlannedEffortint? What was the original top-down level of effort estimated for this requirement
ProjectNamestring? The display name of the project that the requirement is associated with
ReleaseIdint? The id of the release the requirement is scheduled to implemented in
ReleaseVersionNumberstring? The version number string of the release that the requirement is scheduled for
RequirementIdint? The id of the requirement
StatusIdint? The id of the requirement's status ( If no value is provided, the default status is used )
StatusNamestring? The display name of the status the requirement is in
Summaryboolean Is this a summary requirement or not Yes
TaskActualEffortint? What is the bottom-up actual effort for all the tasks associated with this requirement
TaskCountint? How many tasks are associated with this requirement
TaskEstimatedEffortint? What is the bottom-up estimated effort for all the tasks associated with this requirement