SpiraPlan: ImportExport SOAP Web Service

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Retrieves a filtered list of documents/attachments in a project attached to a specific artifact


            remoteFilter = new RemoteFilter();
            remoteFilter.PropertyName = "Filename";
            remoteFilter.StringValue = "test_data2";
            remoteSort.PropertyName = "AttachmentId";
            remoteSort.SortAscending = true;
            remoteDocuments = spiraImportExport.Document_RetrieveForArtifact((int)DataModel.Artifact.ArtifactTypeEnum.TestCase, testCaseId1, new RemoteFilter[] { remoteFilter }, remoteSort);


Type Name Required
intartifactTypeId - The id of the type of artifact we want to retrieve the documents for: (Requirement = 1, TestCase = 2, Incident = 3, Release = 4, TestRun = 5, Task = 6, TestStep = 7, TestSet = 8) Yes
intartifactId - The id of the artifact we want the attachments for Yes
ArrayOfRemoteFilter? remoteFilters - The list of filters to apply
RemoteSort? remoteSort - The sort to apply

Return Value

ArrayOfRemoteDocument - List of documents