SpiraPlan: SoapService SOAP Web Service

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Represents a document version in the system

Base Classes



The following properties are provided directly by this class:

Name Type Description Required
AttachmentGuidstring? The unique identifier for the artifact
AttachmentIdint The id of the document Yes
AttachmentVersionGuidstring? The unique identifier for the artifact
AttachmentVersionIdint? The id of the document version
AuthorIdint? The id of the user that uploaded the version ( If no value is provided, the authenticated user is used )
AuthorNamestring? The display name of the user that uploaded the attachment version
Descriptionstring? The description of the attachment version
FilenameOrUrlstring? The filename of the file (if a file attachment) or the full URL if a URL attachment
IsActiveboolean Discerns whether this is the current active version of this document Yes
Sizeint The size of the attachment version in bytes ( Pass 0 for a URL attachment ) Yes
UploadDatedateTime The date/time the attachment version was uploaded Yes
VersionNumberstring? The version number