SpiraPlan: SoapService SOAP Web Service

See all operations


Base Classes



The following properties are provided directly by this class:

Name Type Description Required
ConnectionInfostring? Connection info intended for this product
Custom01string? Custom input field for behavior or information specific to a given source code provider
Custom02string? Custom input field for behavior or information specific to a given source code provider
Custom03string? Custom input field for behavior or information specific to a given source code provider
Custom04string? Custom input field for behavior or information specific to a given source code provider
Custom05string? Custom input field for behavior or information specific to a given source code provider
Domainstring? Used by specific integrations for setting some domain information which is separate from the connection info
IsActiveboolean Whether or not this configuration is active Yes
Loginstring? Login credential for connecting to the relevant provider
Passwordstring? Update only password field for setting the password credential on a newly created provider or when updating a provider
VersionControlSystemIdint Unique internal ID of this version control configuration Yes