SpiraPlan: SoapService SOAP Web Service

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Adds a new custom list into the project template

Also adds any custom list values if they are provided


            RemoteCustomListValue remoteCustomListValue = new RemoteCustomListValue();
            remoteCustomListValue.Name = "Feature";
            remoteCustomListValue.Active = true;
            RemoteCustomList remoteCustomList = new RemoteCustomList();
            remoteCustomList.Name = "Req Types";
            remoteCustomList.Active = true;
            remoteCustomList.Values = new RemoteCustomListValue[] { remoteCustomListValue };
            customListId1 = spiraImportExport.CustomProperty_AddCustomList(credentials, remoteCustomList).CustomPropertyListId.Value;


Type Name Required
RemoteCredentials? credentials - The credentials for accessing the API
RemoteCustomList? remoteCustomList - The new custom list object

Return Value

RemoteCustomList - The custom list object with the primary key set