SpiraPlan: SoapService SOAP Web Service

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Adds a new custom property definition to the project for the specified artifact type


            RemoteCustomProperty remoteCustomProperty = new RemoteCustomProperty();
            remoteCustomProperty.ArtifactTypeId = (int)DataModel.Artifact.ArtifactTypeEnum.Requirement;
            remoteCustomProperty.ProjectId = projectId1;
            remoteCustomProperty.PropertyNumber = 2;
            remoteCustomProperty.CustomPropertyTypeId = 6;  //List
            remoteCustomProperty.Name = "Req Type";
            spiraImportExport.CustomProperty_AddDefinition(credentials, remoteCustomProperty, remoteCustomList.CustomPropertyListId);


Type Name Required
RemoteCredentials? credentials - The credentials for accessing the API
RemoteCustomProperty? remoteCustomProperty - The new custom property definition
int? customListId - The id of the associated custom list (if a list property)

Return Value

RemoteCustomProperty - The custom property definition with the primary key populated